Saturday, 7 January 2017

Introduction and history of C++


  • C++ was invented by Bjarne stroustrup.
  • It was invented in 1979.
  • In 1979 ,it was called C with classes . But its name was changed in 1983 and currently its called C++.
  • C++ is middle level language because its a combination of low level language and high level language.
  • low level language means machine dependent language and we can only built  system software with the help of low level language like device drivers.
  • High level language is used to build application softwares.
  • so, middle level language is includes low level as well  as high level language. so with use of C++ and C we can build system software as well as application software.
  • C++ joins three separate programming traditions .
                                                  - procedural language.
                                                   -object oriented language.
                                                   -generic programming with use of templates.
  •    oops was invented by Alan Kay and simula 16 was the first object oriented language.